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Dauji Temple, Baldeo

Dauji Temple, Baldeo

There are numerous sanctuaries of Shri Krishna and Radha in the whole Braj district, yet the sanctuary of Shri Krishna’s senior sibling Balram is situated in Baldeo, called Dauji Sanctuary, 21 kilometers from Mathura, which is referenced in the Puranas as ‘Vidumvan’. In this ‘Vidrumavan’, the symbols of Balarama and his significant other Revati are introduced in a tremendous sanctuary. There is a circumambulation way looking like a snake around the sanctuary, which has been created as a market. The sanctuary has four primary entryways, which are known as Singhaur, Janani Dabhodhi, Gaushala Door and Badwale Entryway. There is an enormous lake behind the sanctuary, which is referenced in the Puranas as ‘Balbhadra Kund’. This lake is renowned by the name of Ksheer Sagar.

Dauji Temple

There is a fanciful conviction that Shri Krishna’s extraordinary grandson Brajnabh had constructed the symbols of four divine beings and four goddesses in the memory of his progenitors. According to an archeological perspective, this sculpture is viewed as of the pre-Kushana period. This symbol is around eight feet high, three and a half feet wide in the moving stance of Shyam-Varshi, behind which seven pale Sheshnag icons are shown shadowing.

It is said that when the Mughal sovereign Aurangzeb, who was obliterating Mathura, heard about the flourishing of the Dauji sanctuary situated in Baldev, the military walked towards the sanctuary. The warriors took care of just a brief distance when the Bhauras and Utais went after the burglars on the way. Many fighters and beedas were killed in this assault. It required nine days for the leftover warriors to cover the distance of more than two kos. The beginning of the expression ‘Nau Clamor chale Adhai Kos’ in the Hindi language is accepted to be connected with this occurrence. Hearing the fresh insight about the predicament of his troopers going after the sanctuary, Aurangzeb requested not to make any harm the sanctuary and gave an imperial pronouncement under which game plans were made to give monetary help to the sanctuary. The Mughal Sultanate likewise fabricated a Naqqarkhana close to the primary entry of the sanctuary. This detail is available on the Shilah right now introduced in Naqqarkhana.

At the point when Mughal sovereign Aurangzeb’s military, which was completing tear-downs in Mathura, found out about the lavishness of the sanctuary situated in Baldev, the military walked towards the sanctuary. The officers took care of just a brief distance when honey bees and wasps went after the burglars. Many troopers and ponies were killed in this assault. It required nine days for the leftover warriors to cover the distance of more than two kos.

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